Friday, July 12, 2013

อดีตตัวแทนของ Park Sihoo ร้องขอข้อข้อยุติคดีหมิ่นประมาท

นายฮวาง อดีตตัวแทนของ Park Sihoo  ต้องการให้ สมาคมการจัดการธุรกิจบันเทิงเกาหลี  (CEMA) ช่วยให้เขาและ Park Sihoo  ได้ข้อยุติถึงประเด็นคดีหมิ่นประมาท
แหล่งข่าวใกล้ชิดกับ Park Sihoo กล่าวกับ  enews  เมื่อ12 กรกฏาคม ว่า "เราได้ยินมาว่านาย ฮวาง ยื่นเรื่องไปยัง  CEMA เมื่อเร็ว ๆ นี้. เราเชื่อว่าเราไม่มีความผิด. เราจะทำตามที่ CEMA ต้องการ"
นายฮวาง เรียกร้องให้ CEMA เข้าช่วยหาวิธีการแก้ปัญหาข้อพิพาทของเขากับ Park Sihoo  เขากล่าวหาว่าเขาถูกใส่ร้ายหลังจากที่ Park Sihoo ฟ้องเขา ด้วยข้อกล่าวหาว่าสมคบคิดกับโจทก์ในคดีข่มขืน
Park Sihoo ได้ถอนฟ้อง อดีตัวแทนของเขา หลังจากที่โจทก์ ได้ถอนฟ้อง  แต่นายฮวางยังคงฟ้อง  Park Sihoo ในข้อหาทำให้เสื่อมเสียชื่อเสียง

แหล่งข่าวกล่าวต่อว่า "[Park Sihoo] ได้ถอนฟ้อง นายฮวาง  ทุกเรื่องที่นาย ฮวางได้สร้างขึ้น เราเชื่อว่าไม่มีอะไรอีกแล้วที่เราจะทำ นอกจากคำแนะนำของ  CEMA นับตั้งแต่ที่เขาได้รับการร้องขอ หาข้อยุติ ด้วยการกล่าวว่าเขาเป็นคนผิด. เราจะยังคงที่จะจับตามองกับสิ่งที่เกิดขึ้นต่อไป "

Park Si Hoos Former Agency Rep Requests a Settlement for Defamation

A Mr. Hwang, the head of Park Si Hoos former agency, requested the Corea Entertainment Management Association (CEMA) to help him and Park Si Hoo reach a settlement on an issue of defamation.

A source close to Park Si Hoo told enews on July 12, "We heard that Mr. Hwang proposed a settlement through CEMA recently. We believe we are blameless. We will follow whatever proceedings CEMA demands of us."

Hwang asked CEMA to find a solution to his dispute with Park Si Hoo. He asserted that he was defamed after Park Si Hoo sued him for allegedly conspiring with the accuser in the actors former rape case.

Park Si Hoo dropped his case against the agency head after his accuser dropped her charges, but Hwang has continued to accuse Park Si Hoo of defaming his name.

The source continued, "[Park Si Hoo] had dropped the case against Mr. Hwang to wrap up all the troubles he had come against. We believe theres nothing else for us to do but to follow the instructions of CEMA since he requested a settlement, saying he was wronged. Well continue to keep an eye on what happens."

Photo credit: Hea Jung Min
แปลไทย:  COFFEECON

Unresolved Park Shi Hoo Scandal Case Moves To Mediation

One of the last unsettled cases associated with the recent Park Shi Hoo sexual assault scandal is headed toward mediation.
For the past five months the actor Park Shi Hoo has been trying to clear his name of charges leveled against him in February and to settle the lawsuits that resulted from the original charges. His promising career was put on hold while all these developments played out. And it has not yet recovered.
It all started in February when the "Cheomdamdung Alice" star was accused of sexual assault by a trainee actress named only as A. The couple had a few drinks with friends and she returned to his home at 2 a.m. He admitted they had relations but insisted they were consensual. She said that their relations were not consensual. She told police that she passed out and he assaulted her. She reported the actor to the Seoul Police Department. After investigating the case, the police sent it to the prosecutor's office.
In response, the actor filed charges against the actress and the CEO of his former management company. The actor claimed that the CEO, who spoke with trainee A, conspired with her to damage the actor's reputation. The CEO counter-sued.
Trainee A eventually dropped the charges against Park Shi Hoo without giving any public explanation, and the police withdrew their sexual assault indictment. As a result, the actor dropped his defamation charges against the actress. But when he tried to settle the lawsuit with his former management agency CEO that case was not so easily resolved. The CEO insisted on a personal apology.
The two men seemed unable to resolve their dueling defamation cases on their own so the CEO, Mr. Hwang, asked Corea Entertainment Management Association (CEMA) to help settle the defamation suit.
"We heard that Mr. Hwang proposed a settlement through CEMA," said a representative for Park Shi Hoo. "We believe that we are innocent and will follow whatever proceedings CEMA demands of us."
The actor is ready to move on and put this scandal behind him.
"There's nothing more we can do but follow CEMA's instructions, since he requested a settlement, saying he was wronged," said Park Shi Hoo's representative.
The actor is known for his roles in the dramas "Iljimae" and "The Princess' Man" and the 2012 film "Confession of Murder." The film was released in Japan after the scandal broke but the actor has made no public appearances.

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